Pine Power Immunity Elixir

  A beautiful elxir brew for so many purposes. 12 Immunity boosting mushrooms that cover all bodily systems and a potent fermented Pine needle brew, incorporated with trace minerals and to [...]

Vitamin D3 and K2 Potential

There are two forms of Vitamin D Vitamin D2 – (ergocalciferol)   AND Vitamin D3 – (cholecalciferol) and alfacalidol. Vitamin D2 we access through our diet, i.e fortified foods, some supplements [...]

‘MMM’ Smoothie

Magnesium, Mango, Moringa, Mint….’MMMMMMMM’ A deeply mineralised smoothie for daily replacement of much needed minerals. so delicious with the added grapefruit (surprisingly!) I [...]

Super Sunshine Smoothie

  Always striving to maintain great health, I created this Lifeforce Super Smoothie as a wonderful DAILY maintenance smoothie. Divine taste. Add whatever organic seasonal fruit you like, the [...]


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