Place almonds in food processor and process on high until broken into medium crumbles.
Grind Chia and Flax seeds in coffee grinder. I prefer to always grind flax and chia as I need, as they can go rancid if ground and left for too long.
Add Carrot pulp, ground chia and ground flax seeds, coconut aminos, seasoning, chili flakes, smoked paprika into the processor with the ground almonds.
Pulse the ingredients to combine and then turn on high, while pouring in the distilled water through the feeder tube. You want just enough water to form a pourable dough.
Divide the dough between two Telfelx-lined dehydrator trays. Spread thinly and dehydrate at 125 ° for 2 hours.
Using a knife score the dough into cracker shapes and continue to dehydrate for another 8 hours at 115°. Break the dough into the crackers and flip over for another 6-8 hours.
Crackers can be stored in an airtight container for 5-7 days,