Breath of Health (ARP 1200) SPE/PEM Tech, ARP Tech and Aromatherapy!
The only Hydrogen Gas H2 Inhaler in the world with the bio activated Hydrogen, H2 Therapeutic Gas via ARP Tech.
- H2 output at 99.9994% is adjustable with maximum output at 1200ml/min.
- Bio Activated Hydrogen via ARP Tech.
- CE Certified for Safety.
- Easy and safe to move via canister wheels.
- Made with top quality parts and made to last.
- User friendly, elegant design and extra simple to use daily.
- Patented SPE/PEM Electrolysis Cells (made in Japan) are used to generate the Pure Hydrogen, H2 without the use of any chemicals like NaOH or KOH.
- Additional Aromatherapy feature.
- Additional C60 WS (water soluble C60 antioxidant feature).
- Run time capability: Up to 4 hours at 1200 ml/min, then rest for 30 minutes, and can start up again.
- Sleep mode run time capability: up to 10 hours at 840 ml/min
- Comes with:
- 5 breathing Cannulas.
- H2 Facial Treatment Mask.
- Extra Tubing for H2 Molecular Hydrogen Water making, or any other liquid Molecular Hydrogen Gas infusing.
- YES Lab (made in USA) ARP Tech Cell for the bio activation of Molecular Hydrogen.
- Disinfectant Spray for your Breathing Cannulas.
- Champion C60 WS Concentrate Drops.
- Dual splitter for two person use at the same time.
- Three year Limited Warranty. First year free parts and labor. Two year free labor.
- Types of water to be used: Distilled Water ONLY. Do not use tap water!
- Components and parts are made in: SPE Patented Electrolysis Cells-made in Japan. Patented PEM Membrane-made by DuPont, USA. Surgical Grade BPA/BPS Free plastic water holding tank which holds H2O used for H2 Gas generation, not for drinking-is made in Japan. ARP Tech Cell made by our YES Lab, USA. Machine’s parts are assembled in China. Facility and engineer service available in USA.
- Size Dimensions: (Length, Width, Height): 15 x 12 x 20 (inches) or 38*30*50* (cm). Weight: 30 lb (13.60 Kg).
- Custom made to Voltage/Hz power requirements of your country.
- Virtually Maintenance Free.
- Excellent Customer Support and care.
- All technical assistance is performed by our USA facility and tech support.
Health Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen H2 Inhalation and Molecular Hydrogen H2 Water, based upon over 800 peer reviewed medical studies and science:
- One of the top anti aging elements for an overall body wellness.*
- Improves cellular function and health of every single organ in the body.*
- Selectively removes the harmful disease and age causing free radicals.*
- One of the top Antioxidants for neutralizing oxidative stress (cause of inflammation, diseases and aging).*
- Provides your body with more energy (H2, Molecular Hydrogen inhalation and H2 Molecular Hydrogen Water fuels the ATP engine that powers every cell in the body).*
- Helps maintain the homeostatic levels of body’s own antioxidants.*
- Assists in the removal of heavy metals and synthetic chemical toxins from the blood, lungs and the brain structure.*
- Helps neutralize the hormone disrupting xenoestrogens.*
- Helps in balancing the overall metabolism.*
- Assists in burning excess fat.*
- Supports the protection and rejuvenation of the DNA for its cell signaling, cell metabolism and gene expression.*
- Anti-inflammatory/anti-pain (silent killer that causes many chronic diseases).*
- Modulates Th1 and Th2 cytokines to reduce inflammation/pain.*
- Detoxifying to the cells by neutralizing the harmful hydroxyl radicals into water.*
- Increases the blood circulation.*
- Enhances the nutrient absorption and digestion.*
- Improves the muscle and joint function.*
- Elimination support.*
- Aids in lowering the bad cholesterol.*
- Helps to improve the hormonal function.*
- Aids in a workout and injury recovery.*
- Lubricates joints and muscles.*
- Improves skin’s health, vitality and hydration.*
- Properly Hydrates all bodily cells, via Molecular Hydrogen H2 Water.*
- Crosses the blood brain barrier with its Antioxidant Action.*
- Helps lessen the headaches and chronic migraines.*
- Improves memory, concentration and focus.*
- Erases the harmful radiation side effects.*
- Anti mutating cell effect.*
- Slows down aging.*
- Acts as an anti-obesity and anti-diabetes support.*
- Boosts, protects and regulates the immune system.*
- Improves the function of the Endocrine System, including the Thyroid Gland Function.*
- Enhances the athletic performance by reducing the lactic acid.
- Helps to rebalance the blood pH and rebalance the hypoxia.*
- Helps to increase an overall Energy.*
- Helps to rebalance the blood sugar.*
- Excellent Cardio Support and balancing to the blood pressure.*
- Supports healthy cholesterol levels.*
- Reduces lymphocyte proliferation and an over excretion of antibodies in autoimmune conditions.*
- Supports and strengthens the nervous system.*
- Calming to the emotional state of being, due to toxins neutralizing action.*
- Insulating and regenerating to the nervous system.*
- Healing and purifying effects upon the brain structure, especially for the cleansing of the pineal gland and decalcification.*
- Helps as an aid in breaking free from addictions (drugs and alcohol) by rapidly detoxing the addictive compounds from the cells.*
- Faster wound healing.*
- Helps to greatly increase the life expectancy and longevity.*
- Powerful skin cleanser, tightening, softening and cleansing for the complexion.*
- Mouth and gum health support.*
- Ionizing radiation detox and insulating support.*
- EMF’s, ELF’s radiation detoxing and buffering for cells.*
Watch this Video:
The YES Lab’s ARP Tech Cell Enhancement:
The YES Lab, USA produces the world’s only custom feature of ARP Tech Bio Active Molecular Hydrogen, via ARP Tech Cell’s Superconductivity.
The ARP Tech Cell components are made of various Plasma State elements. Plasma State is the 4th state of matter and within this Cell there are multiple superconductive made of plasma of CO2, plasma of Zinc, and plasma of 24K Gold with specially calibrated natural Quartz Crystals. The Plasma Electrons from within the ARP Tech Cell can permeate the matter and therefore charge the water in the holding tank while moving it into its higher frequency of plasma state, making it more conductive prior to generating the Molecular Hydrogen Gas via going through the Electrolysis Cell and therefore making the Molecular Hydrogen H2 Therapeutic Gas act in an enhanced expression, which has repeatedly demonstrated an amplified cellular efficacy. The water in the tank will emit Resonant Plasma Fields, which extend up to 3 feet in all directions and are very harmonizing to the emotional state of being. In this way, not only does the Molecular Hydrogen H2 Gas becomes more bio effective, but one can benefit further from the energetic imprint of these harmonious fields of energy, just by being in close proximity to the machine. Watch the Video below…
The energetic plasma state imprints within the ARP Tech Cell are designed with the therapeutic properties of supporting the immune system, calming and regenerating the nervous system, increasing the circulation, gently detoxing the lymphatic system, and adding the additional energetic properties of the 24K Gold element in its plasma state into the Hydrogen H2 Gas Therapy.
The energetic imprints of 24K Gold in Plasma State have their own additional therapeutic qualities. Read this study if you wish to understand the depth of what is offered here and the incredible properties of 24K Gold, which is much more bio effective in its Plasma State (4th state of matter) in which it can energetically imprint any kind of element be it gas, liquid or solid.
With our special ARP Tech units, now you can not only breath the most effective Bio Activated Molecular Hydrogen Therapeutic Gas, but you can also take advantage of our additional features we offer through one machine.
The ARP 1200 unit can also be used for an Aromatherapy, besides the Molecular Hydrogen Therapy, as well as the additional combination of our water soluble C60, which is another Molecule that is known for its anti aging and health promoting benefits. In this way you are able to combine the: H2, C60 and Aromatherapy, all bio activated via ARP Tech for the most therapeutic effects.
You can also use it to make and enjoy drinking the Molecular Hydrogen Infused Water bio activated with the ARP Tech and you can infuse your herbal teas and any other liquids at room temperature as long as they are water like consistency. You can infuse it into your foot baths, your waters for enemas or home colonics, and for your special waters made for facials and skin benefits as well, all through one machine: Breath of Health ARP 1200.
Besides the health effects upon the physicality the Advanced Resonant Plasma Tech (ARP Tech) in general has the very harmonizing effect upon ones emotional state of being. If any healing or regeneration is to be complete, it is crucial to address this important component, since over 75% of stress and dis-eases originate in the emotional body before they condense into the physical state. Addressing this daily is very important and no other machine is able to address this on this Level, which is the feature available only through the ARP Tech.
How is this accomplished?
Due to the fact that the plasma state components of elements and compounds used within the ARP Tech Cell, have demonstrated to have very calming and soothing effects upon ones nervous system and the emotional state of being, these same electrons are imprinted within the water element within the water holding tank-the same water that is used to generate Molecular Hydrogen within the machine.
This water carries the electron imprints unto Molecular H2 Gas and not only that it makes the Molecular Hydrogen Gas more conductive, but it exhibits the imprinted quality of the elements within the ARP Tech Cell of the those elements or compounds used within the ARP Tech Cell. This is an additional health value that no other machine has.

ARP Tech’s Resonant Plasma Tech offers the amplification of the Molecular Hydrogen H2 Therapeutic Gas with its own health properties.
Resonant Plasma Fields are very harmonious to be near, and once the ARP Tech Cell has been installed it takes 12 hours to fully move the water within the tank into plasma state.
You will simply not get this from any other unit on the market, period.

Did you know that H2 alone can help rebalance the Oxygen levels in your blood and tissues, without the need for additional use of O2?
When body’s biological terrain is low in oxygen (hypoxia), be it localized or spread throughout the body, the cancer cells can start to form and spread. However, when the opposite is true and the cells are filled with oxygen in balanced levels, cancer can not form nor survive.
Breathing of the Molecular Hydrogen Therapeutic H2 Gas alone and daily through any of our H2 Machines is a great habit to form, besides drinking the Molecular Hydrogen H2 Water solely throughout the day, since it can help adjust the O2 levels to more optimum levels with your cells.
There is no such a thing as overdosing on the use of the Molecular Hydrogen. The more you can use it in the form of Breathing it and Drinking the H2 Water, daily, the better for your health and longevity.
The sequence of ordering:
1. Please get in touch when ready to order or if you have any questions.
2. After you make a payment it takes 3-4 weeks (approx) to receive your unit.
3. Three Year Limited Warranty: One year Warranty with free labor and parts starts the day of purchase. Two year free labor only. Shipping to and from our facility is customer’s responsibility.
4. The proprietary ARP Tech Cell, C60 Drops, Breathing Cannula Disinfectant will be shipped separately from the machine from our YES Lab, USA and together with the Operation Manual. Customer installs the ARP Tech Cell. Once installed, you never have to touch it again.
5. You will need to use only Distilled Water.
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