Boron Potential

While Boron is not a major mineral, upon researching Boron’s Potential benefits, Boron plays an major role in assisting other minerals and vitamins to do their job effectively for us, as well as [...]

Vitamin D3 and K2 Potential

There are two forms of Vitamin D Vitamin D2 – (ergocalciferol)   AND Vitamin D3 – (cholecalciferol) and alfacalidol. Vitamin D2 we access through our diet, i.e fortified foods, some supplements [...]

Magnesium Potential

Magic Magnesium! is essential mineral that performs well over 300 functions in your body, and is a must on your supplementation list. it is one of the four main minerals along side, Zinc, Calcium [...]

Calcium Potential

I know we all associate Calcium with strong bones, and that is true, if the correct lifestyle is maintained. Certainly dairy products, like milk, cheese and yoghurt have a high marketing plug at [...]


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