My ARMOR – Magnesium Leave on Life Force Body Spray

 In My Armor


  Your Personal Bodyguard!

The YES! Team Has taken Magnesium and MSM (Sulfur) to the Next level! Designed to effectively remineralize and protect YOUR body on a cellular level.

As your skin is the largest organ of your body, it will absorb what is in your environment around you, be it EMF’s (harmful ElectroMagnetic Frequencies) , ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) pollution, toxic chemical exposure, such as Glyphosate and other toxic pesticides.

The MSM (Organic Sulfur from Maritime Tree Lignan) is magnified for YOU by being in a Plasma state, so your body can self select what it needs.  YOUR Body will take what it needs to rebuild on a cellular level.

‘My ARMOUR’ – All in Plasma state – (4th State of Matter) Magnesium, C60 Water Soluble,  Organic (MSM) Sulfur, Humic and Fulvic Acids added for extra protection and benefit, over 77 Essential Minerals, 24k Gold in Plasma state and harmonious ‘for Health’ Resonant Frequencies.

MSM is an essential mineral and a naturally occuring compound performs a multitude of actions in and around the body.  In fact, it is in every cell and so ‘essential’ to our body and ‘essential’ that we replace Sulphur and other minerals and elements on a daily basis. Sulfur is know to bond with many other minerals and has demonstrated its ability to detoxify heavy metals.  it is also a key player in utilizing amino acids, our bodies building blocks.

Some of the benefits of ‘My ARMOR’:

  • Dissolves the damaging effects of EMF and ELF wavelengths (frequencies) in which you move via The Yes Teams! Advanced Resonant Plasma Fields (their ARP Tech Proprietary system).
  • Rejuvenates and protects your peripheral nervous system.
  • C60 Fullerene further enhances the effects amplified.
  • MSM (Sulfur)allows the transportation of oxygen across the cell membrane and being in plasma state can access the cells very, very efficiently.
  • Protect your cells from harmful chemical pollution.
  • Establishes a healthy micro flora in your body.
  • Helps to activate neurotransmitting cellular and intercellular communication necessary for all bodily functions.
  • Excellent for pain as it acts as a anti-inflammatory, so very beneficial for joint pain, arthritis, etc.
  • Great for muscle recovery and endurance.
  • With the 24k Gold, (which is very healing and protective) in plasma state, it will also establish a harmonious mental and emotional state of well-being.
  • Assists with mild acne.
  • Helps with digestion as it improves the the lining in the digestive tract. So this is good for minimising the body’s reaction to certain foods.
  • BEAUTY!!!! MSM plays a major role in repairing the collagen production and helping to assist in signs of aging, in fact, because it is ‘essential’ it assists our bodies everywhere!!!
  • Lung aliments such as emphysema can be improved due to the increased availability to oxygen.
  • Humic and Fulvic acid assists in unlocking other minerals and exchange.

Purchase in NZ Here

Purchase Here OUTSIDE NZ

How do you use ‘My ARMOR’?

Shake before Use, so the Plasma of minerals can be distributed throughout the body before you apply.

Spray several times into the palm of your hand, and apply starting with the feet, lower legs and upwards. Lower back, stomach and the upper part of your body.  If you cannot reach your upper back, simply spray from the sides to cover what you can and shoulders.  (Please avoid the eyes to be safe).

Wait for a 1 minute or two until it is completely absorbed into the skin and tissues and then dress for the day or evening!

** Please note: that as you apply ‘My ARMOR’ you will have some left on your hands which will take a bit longer to absorb as the skin on your hand is thicker, so rub excess into places that you feel need more attention.

As well as using it ON your body you can now have My Armor radiating around your body with our ‘Vessel of Light’ Lifeforce Tonics wearables!

One application of The YES Teams! ‘My ARMOR’ Protective Resonant Plasma Field lasts for 12 hours and best to apply after your shower.

You may notice a tingling feeling when applied and that is the reaction with the

Twice a day is optimal.

To reach homeostasis, a 4-6 month regular application until balance and protection is reached.

Due to the Plasma state of The YES Teams! ‘My ARMOR’ it is able to penetrate much deeper into your tissues than any other atomic counterpart. So absorption is much quicker and more effective and longer lasting.

Made in the USA.

**NOTE: The YES! Team take great care on what they offer you for your health and well-being. These products are unsurpassed in anyway for the research done and care taken to provide you with a top premium product.

The processes are timely, and we are okay with that, as we know this is not a mass produced product and is created with high integrity that is of huge importance to your health, physically, emotionally and spiritually and the investment you make IS WORTH IT!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Intended for research and educational use only.

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